Acting Roles
All roles (both on-stage and off-stage) can and will be trained at any time and for anyone who is interested!
The following are the on-stage acting roles in the show:
Frank needs no introduction. He’s the center of the show. He’s beautiful. He’s the queen! He has a very large amount of screen time and the role requires executing many, many minor details and outputting high energy to really make the star of the show shine.
Janet is everyone’s favorite ‘slut’! She hangs around Brad for much of her screen time and much like Brad, she has lots of fun, small details to absorb!
Brad is everyone’s favorite ‘asshole’! The role of Brad is one of the ‘meatier’ roles with lots of stage time and lots of fun, small details to absorb!
Riff is a grumpy old man. After all, he wrote the film and he has to do all the cleaning up! He is on the screen for a majority of the film, but until the end, much of it is fairly low energy. He rises to stardom and gets what’s his in the end, though.
At times, Magenta is at an exciting high and at others she is a thousand miles away. She is on screen for a majority of the film but much of it is fairly low energy. Along with her brother, Riff, she gets what’s hers in the end.
Our resident manic pixie dream girl! She sparkles! She’s the center of attention! She’s just trying to love and be loved! She has lots of screen time which typically requires a huge amount of energy!
Dr. Scott
Dr. Scott brings the tension to the second half of the movie. He doesn’t have a lot of screen time, but he confronts Frank, has a couple monologues and even has his own song!
Rocky is the reason we’re all here – it’s his birthday! He isn’t smart, he can’t dance, but he’s truly beautiful to behold! He’s on screen for a large portion of the movie which includes some athletic feats!
Eddie blasts into the middle of the show to bring our energy levels up! He isn’t here for very long – but he’s a smooth, wild, greaser just looking to have a good time! His performance is short and very high energy output. After his early departure, he leaves us all with a dinner to remember!
Crim is our narrator. He intermittently pops in to help us understand our journey along the road that this the plot of this movie.
Trixie / “The Usherette”
Though she is not featured in the movie, she was once played by Patricia Quinn (shown here) in the stage version of the show. Her lips are the same lips that we see singing in the opening scene of the movie. In our show, we use the opening song to allow our Trixie to perform some (usually) original content to the lyrics and music.