As a 501(c)3 public charity organization, support from our surrounding communities is crucial for us to succeed in our charitable mission. We receive that support in many ways:
- Our volunteers contribute countless hours of their time, purchase much of their required costumes, props, and equipment, and even provide the utilization of their personal property.
- The general public donates funds to us in several ways. Purchasing merchandise, purchasing tickets to attend our shows, and making unsolicited monetary donations directly to our organization are all ways in which we receive their financial support.
- We provide support to and receive support from other performing arts organizations which have missions and values similar to our own.
- Performance Venues collaborate with us to present our shows.
- Local businesses facilitate space at their locations for us to place prominent advertisements for our shows.
We would like to highlight some of the businesses and organizations that we have connections with as a way to celebrate our rich history of working with our surrounding communities.
We welcome inquires and donations from all local businesses who also believe in our mission and values and would like to contribute to our cause!
Performance Venues
Tower Theaters in South Hadley, MA was our cast’s home for monthly shows from 2003 to 2020.
Greenfield Garden Cinemas in Greenfield, MA first collaborated with us to present our show in 2019.
Edmond Town Hall in Newtown, CT first collaborated with us to present our show in 2022.
The Majestic Saloon in Northampton, MA first collaborated with us to present our show in 2022.
The Goldenrod Country Inn in Worthington, MA first collaborated with us to present our show in 2024.
Performing Arts Organizations
RKO Army of Providence, RI has supported our cast in many ways for many years.
In 2018, our two groups performed a crossover show with a blended cast which doubled most characters on stage simultaneously!
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the entirety of RKO Army and encourage you to check them out!
Charleston’s Absent Friends of Charleston, SC has a history which parallels that of PVSA.
Our connection was established in 2024 and we look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship!
Supportive Local Businesses
Jazzercise Amherst Fitness Center of Amherst, MA supports our cast and mission significantly. Check them out!
Oh My Sensuality Shop of Northampton, MA has always been very enthusiastic about advertising for our shows. Check them out!