The Come Again Players have holes to fill!

All roles (both on-stage and off-stage) can and will be trained at any time and for anyone who is interested! In particular, though, we have needs in the following areas:


Frank needs no introduction. He’s the center of the show. He’s beautiful. He’s the queen! Don’t Dream It, Be It – and start training for Frank today!


Be everyone’s favorite asshole! The role of Brad is one of the ‘meatier’ roles with lots of stage time and lots of fun, small details that you could learn. But, he’s beloved!

Lights are a character, too!

It may look like we’re just pointing oversized flashlights, and complaining when people stand in the wrong spot, but it’s truly a performance! You need to learn not just one role – but all of them. We have to master the art of antici…


Not only are you thinking about what’s currently going on on-stage, but you’re also thinking 5 seconds ahead, because you know the next character is coming in from stage left, or the lights need to cut out on a given beat. It’s an engaging technical dance!

Needs for Leads!

Do you enjoy leadership and organization? Lend us your expertise or learn a new craft from our seasoned folks!

Stage Manager

  • Prepare for performances by coordinating the transport of props and costumes.
  • Prepare for performances by assigning volunteers to work administrative roles like merchandise sales.
  • Prepare for performances by working with Leadership to assign volunteers to work support roles like tech.
  • On show nights, execute those plans developed by the Leadership Team.